She gives me strength and power and when I’m with her she holds me tightly, embraces me and places me in a state of stillness. Ultimately a state of stillness is what I seek most.
Mother Nature’s healing power has had a massive part to play in my recovery from depression. She held me in her power when there seemed to be no hope. She gave me love and courage when I was at my weakest. Spending time with her is magical and I have learnt to embrace our connection. It’s not surprising to me that she has this power as I am a part of mother nature.
More and more I’m witness to the disconnect between humanity and mother nature. It’s quite the conundrum for me. Something I just don’t understand. We should be protecting her and building her power without question and at all costs, but we don’t.
I’m unsure of my purpose on this planet. I’m unsure of what our purpose as a species is. Is purpose even necessary? I’m keen to find out. Either way, if we can’t sustain our lives what does purpose matter? What does anything matter?
For these reasons I’m on a mission to help her. Help her grow. Help her flourish. By helping her I’m helping you and our children and I feel that this might just be my purpose.
Planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment. So little gets us so much. By planting even just one tree you can make a massive difference.
Trees are our lifeline to a healthier environment.
Trees clean and improve the quality of the air by producing oxygen.
Trees filter the water we drink.
Trees provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s variety of life forms on the land surface of the Earth. High biodiversity is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem, which is directly linked to human health.
Trees absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere.
Trees are the key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
By planting trees, we reduce the effects of climate change.
Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.
Ok, so there you have it. Imagine if everyone on the planet planted just one tree. Not only would we have a beautiful sustainable world but the positive energy that this kind of connective tissue generates will have such a positive effect on your own psyche.
So I choose trees.
Please donate some money even just for one tree. By giving so little you get so much.
She gives me strength and power and when I’m with her she holds me tightly, embraces me and places me in a state of stillness. Ultimately a state of stillness is what I seek most.
Mother Nature’s healing power has had a massive part to play in my recovery from depression. She held me in her power when there seemed to be no hope. She gave me love and courage when I was at my weakest. Spending time with her is magical and I have learnt to embrace our connection. It’s not surprising to me that she has this power as I am a part of mother nature.
More and more I’m witness to the disconnect between humanity and mother nature. It’s quite the conundrum for me. Something I just don’t understand. We should be protecting her and building her power without question and at all costs, but we don’t.
I’m unsure of my purpose on this planet. I’m unsure of what our purpose as a species is. Is purpose even necessary? I’m keen to find out. Either way, if we can’t sustain our lives what does purpose matter? What does anything matter?
For these reasons I’m on a mission to help her. Help her grow. Help her flourish. By helping her I’m helping you and our children and I feel that this might just be my purpose.
Planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment. So little gets us so much. By planting even just one tree you can make a massive difference.
Trees are our lifeline to a healthier environment.
Trees clean and improve the quality of the air by producing oxygen.
Trees filter the water we drink.
Trees provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s variety of life forms on the land surface of the Earth. High biodiversity is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem, which is directly linked to human health.
Trees absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere.
Trees are the key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
By planting trees, we reduce the effects of climate change.
Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.
Ok, so there you have it. Imagine if everyone on the planet planted just one tree. Not only would we have a beautiful sustainable world but the positive energy that this kind of connective tissue generates will have such a positive effect on your own psyche.
So I choose trees.
Please donate some money even just for one tree. By giving so little you get so much.